
From the publisher
This is the first volume (8 volumes in total) of Otomo's complete works "AKIRA," which includes episodes 1-14 (up to p. 279 of vol. 1) of the serial "AKIRA," created by Otomo Katsuhiro when he was 28-29 years old in 1982-1983 and started in Young Magazine, which was just two years after its launch.
This historic work, which had a huge impact on the world of manga, is renowned for its level of perfection, but in fact the author gave it a lot of polish when it was made into a book.
The Young Magazine book version of "AKIRA" was polished and completed through additions, corrections, deletions, replacements, rearrangements of pages and frames, adding finishing touches, drawing new illustrations, and so on, and is still read today, 40 years after its first edition.
It is especially well-known that the cover illustrations of each serialised episode have been deleted from the book version.
However, in this complete edition of Otomo's works, in accordance with the purpose of "arranging all his works by era and tracing how he has changed as an author," everything, including the frontispiece, has been restored as much as possible to the way it was when it was serialized, and the "serialized version" has been reprinted in the form before it was edited for the book.

There are some parts where the original illustrations no longer exist, and some parts cannot be restored to the way they were when they were serialized because the manuscript was directly edited, but the goal of the complete edition is to "restore them to their original state as much as possible."

The "live serialized version of AKIRA," which has been completely lost since its serialization, is completely different from the "complete version of AKIRA" that you read in the book, and perfectly reproduces the excitement at the time of its release! This is a must-have and must-see first volume dedicated to all AKIRA fans. In addition, the extremely rare color spread of the first issue, which is different from the book version, and the color pages from the serialisation, etc., are all reprinted as they were at the time.

320 pages, 6.9"x9.8"x1.0", Softcover, Japanese 978-4065367858