Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“

  • Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“
  • Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“
  • Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“
  • Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“
  • Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“
  • Tetsuya Noguchi's Collected Works "Where the Samurai Live“

A beautiful collection of anachronistic and occasionally surreal works taking Samurai armour and mixing it with modern life. The armour work is extremely detailed and wonderfully finished around a hand sculpted character. This may look like a musty old museum book but at second glance you'll be transported Edo of the 80s.

152 Pages, 10.1"x7.2"x0.6", Softcover, Japanese